Wednesday, March 19, 2003

PSEUDO-CONSERVATIVES VS. OUR RIGHTS: I couldn't take it anymore. The rampant idiocy
of the pseudo-conservative American "right wing". What did this to me? The M.
Demmons guy at Discount Blogger.

What did this guy say that was so flaming bad? This:

Yes. Diplomacy has failed - miserably. Diplomacy failed miserably because the rest of
the world, particularly France, Germany, and the Russians, saw an America divided. It was
their chance to finally be noticed again. The blame for the failure of diplomacy, I
believe, can be laid squarely at the feet of Tom Daschle and others like him.

You know, George W. Bush talks about "freedom", "liberty", and
"democracy". He talks about how this is the greatest country on the
planet. I don't disagree. But, people like M. Demmons need to understand those
words. Freedom, liberty, and democracy mean that we get to dissent.

We do not have to support the President. In case people like him
forget, the First Amendment guarantees that we can dissent. It's our right.
People have died for this right. Now these pseudo-conservatives want to us to think
like they do.

What does that mean to me? Squelching my freedoms.

My response? Hell no!

Go back and read the Constitution, boys. That's what we're all about. It is
our right (not privelege, not hey-we're-kinda-allowed, our right)
to say things that disagree with our leaders, think things that disagree with our leaders,
publish things that disagree with our leaders, and worship things that disagree with our

The Republicans are whining about how the Democrats are not voting along with them and
the President. Well kiddies, that's because they're a different party.
Hmmm, maybe they disagree with you and want to vote a different way. Once
again, that's their right.

Don't like that right? Too bad.

Want us to not exercise that right? Shove off.

If a bunch of pseudo-conservatives want to goosestep with the President and his
buddies, that's fine. That's their right as Americans. But, if people like
myself don't wish to do say, that's our right, too.

We respect your rights. Respect ours, too. After all, our collective ancestors
died for those rights.